Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Easter Egg Race.

Hey, I know I'm a little late, but I'll spare you the excuses!
Jack and Mary were both sick this Easter, so it threw off our plans
a bit. We did end up doing the Easter egg hunt that they all look
forward to later that evening. Mary was all business as she ran
around grabbing eggs. As usual, we repeated this several times,
just as I did as a girl. ;-)
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Laura said...

HAHA Very cute, she was on mission, you guys sure have a nice big yard :)

Coriander said...

It is big. Kinda shallow, but wide.

Amber said...

Cute! Yes, she sure is on a mission - no time for pictures dad I got eggs to find!! :-)

Longlife said...

Aww! I remember that.... Was my voice really that high?