Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's that time of year...

Time to start a new school year!

We are so excited to start a new curriculum this year called Tapestry of Grace. We are all looking forward to it. I will be posting more about it soon.

For years we have to incorporate "Picture Study" into our schooling, but have been pretty hit and miss. Hopefully, we will be more consistent this year.

Here is one of the pictures we have been studying. It is called "Country School" by Homor Winslow.
Our picture study is pretty basic. I put the print of choice up on fridge (I have many 4x5 cards of fine art that I use) We look at it throughout week.

I ask them questions to test observation skills. "What kind of room is in this picture?" "What can we tell about the weather from this picture?" etc.

The kids are ALWAYS way more observant than I am. We are going to start studying the artist briefly. I am working on a worksheet of sorts that I will use that will go a little deeper. It has been fun even for Mary (4.5)

The basic idea is to grow in appreciation of and exposure to fine art as well as observation skills.

Try it out yourself!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Great idea! I will have to incorporate that into my schooling too!!